Quick Start

Good to know: A quick start guide can be good to help folks get up and running with your API in a few steps. Some people prefer diving in with the basics rather than meticulously reading every page of documentation!

Get your API keys

Your API requests are authenticated using API keys. Any request that doesn't include an API key will return an error.

You can view your API key on Settings Page -> API.

Publish your first event

Publish your first event to NotifyLog by making a POST request to the event endpoint. When you do this, the event will appear in the NotifyLog App in real-time. If you set the notify flag to true, you will also receive a push notification about the event.

import axios from "axios";

// configure headers
const headers = {
  "Content-Type": "application/json",
  "authorization": "TOKEN"

// make the request to NotifyLog
    name: "My first email",
    description: "Hello world from API",
    channel: "payments",
    icon: "💸",
    notify: true,
    tags: {
      "my-tag": "my-tag-value"
    } // (Optional) - Accept only string or number has value
    message: '[Link](https://google.com)' // (Optional) - Markdown text
  { headers: headers }

Good to know: Using tabs to separate out different languages is a great way to present technical examples or code documentation without cramming your docs with extra sections or pages per language.

Make your first request

To make your first request, send an authenticated request to the pets endpoint. This will create a pet, which is nice.

Publish Event

POST https://app.notifylog.com/api/v1/event

Publish a custom event from API v1

Request Body

    "id": "b3639bc8-a5cc-46e7-b836-d91f1dbef37d",
    "name": "My first email",

Last updated